Privacy Policy

This policy is maintained by Robin Somerville. It was last reviewed in November 2018.Robin Somerville respects your right to privacyAny details that you give to Robin Somerville by using this website, any other online systems or in any other way may be added to his databases. You do not have to give Robin Somerville any personal information in order to use most of the website or online systems. However, if you wish to take advantage of some of the more special personalised services that may from time to time be offered, you will need to provide certain information.

Your Consent

By using this website and other online systems, you understand that such collection and use of your personal information will be in the manner set out in this privacy policy. If this privacy policy is modified or changed the changes will be updated and published on this page.

Use of Personal Details

My database of personal details (however so collected) is used by the Robin Somerville, and third parties acting on his behalf, for the purposes of his business.Robin Somerville may also occasionally send you mailings which you have requested or, in accordance with marketing laws, which he feels may interest you and/or are relevant to your practice/work. Such mailings may include details of Robin Somerville’s products and services; newsletters; briefing notes and legal updates; and invitations to any training seminars or other events that may be organised from time to time, in each case to make sure that you are kept informed about Robin Somerville’s activities and can market his services.Robin Somerville may, with your permission, provide your details to third parties either for the purposes of progressing your matters (and in accordance with Robin Somerville’s terms of business or client care letters) or as otherwise discussed with you.I reserve the right to use the services of credit reference agencies where appropriate.Robin Somerville never rents, sells or otherwise discloses your details to any other third party.

Contacting Robin Somerville about your information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your data or how it is used, please contact Robin Somerville using the contact form on this website.To help keep your information up-to-date, you should let Robin Somerville know should any of your contact details change or if you notice any inaccuracies in them. You can do this directly via email or by using the contact form on this website. From time to time he may contact you to confirm that the data held for you is correct.

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