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Instruct Robin Online for help with Legal Disputes

Hire Workplace Investigator

Are you looking to hire a workplace investigator in London or anywhere else in the UK? Robin is available to hire as a workplace investigator for your business or organisation.

His role will be to act as an independent external workplace investigator in respect of a disciplinary or grievance investigation. The Investigation aims to determine, fully and credibly, what happened with respect to a particular incident – whether suspected conduct did or did not take place; what the circumstances were; who was involved; whether a violation of law or company policy occurred.

The fixed fee base price includes the following features of the investigation:

  1. Discussion with relevant commissioners, read all materials provided (up to 100 pages) and internal policies, prepare interview frameworks in respect of one person making the allegation/bringing the grievance, the subject in respect of one allegation and one further witness.
  2. Send out invitations to the witnesses and diarise interviews (this can be done in parallel with 1) above.
  3. Conduct initial remote, recorded interviews with key witnesses via Zoom.
  4. Review interview plans for subsequent witnesses based on initial interviews and any documentation provided
  5. Interview other witnesses
  6. Re-interview previously interviewed witnesses if required
  7. Verbatim transcripts to be written (this can be done in parallel with ongoing investigations
  8. Responsive actions according to how the investigation has unfurled.
  9. Drafting of the investigation report and compilation of the evidence bundle
  10. Quality assurance of the investigation report
  11. Amendments to drafting
  12. Delivery of initial report within 28 days of final interview or piece of evidence.
  • The cost is the non-refundable total cost including VAT.
  • Start date within 7 business days subject to availability of witnesses.
  • Up to three days’ time spent in aggregate.
  • Prima Facie findings.
  • Subject to my standard services agreement.
  • Subject to acceptance, at my absolute discretion and without the requirement to provide reasons, once the Terms of Reference have been agreed.
  • Bullying and harassment, discrimination allegations at additional cost.
  • The facts of the allegations took place within a three month period.
  • Forensic or technological investigations, novel or complex areas of law, fact or procedure, site visits at additional cost to be agreed.
Initial Advice – Shareholder/Director/Partnership Dispute
Basic service at

Initial advice in respect of a limited company shareholder, director or partnership dispute. This may include a Section 994 Companies Act unfair prejudice claim, or a Derivative Action or a similar dispute.

The fixed fee base price includes the following features of the dispute and advice:

  • Up to two shareholders and directors, turnover and assets under £500,000.
  • Advice provided verbally, remotely over Zoom or by telephone.
  • Advice provided within 14 business days.
  • Client must provide Articles of Association or similar, Shareholders/Partnership Agreement (if any), most recent filed accounts, key documents and correspondence, provided electronically in one single combined Adobe .pdf file.
  • Up to one hour of work in respect of preparation and a conference call of up to one hour.
  • Subject to standard Client Care Letter.
  • Non-refundable.
  • Subject to acceptance, at my absolute discretion and without the requirement to provide reasons, once the issues are clear and are within my field of competence and experience.
  • Excludes novel or complex areas of law, fact or procedure.

Workplace Investigation Package Options

Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

Price from

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

Start within 2 business days – subject to availability (which may need to include evenings or weekends)

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

Additional allegations - £999 per allegation.

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

Allegations include bullying and harassment or discrimination

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

Facts complained of span more than 3 months - £499 per annum

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

Additional witnesses - £999 per witness.

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

Additional documentation (100 pages)

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

Report on fact finding basis (instead of prima facie)

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

In person interviews in London and surrounds £499 per visit.

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Workplace Investigation
Optional extra
Independent impartial investigator

In person interviews outside London and surrounds £999 per visit.

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
Optional extra

Workplace Investigation Agreement

Prices inclusive of VAT.

Terms as set out in the Investigation Agreement

Download the Agreement
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